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We Are Witnesses: Chicago (North Austin Branch)

A screening and discussion of our immersive short film series exploring the nature of crime, punishment and forgiveness through portraits of Chicagoans who have been touched by the criminal justice system.
10.19.2019 2:00 p.m.
Chicago Public Library, North Austin Branch
5724 W. North Avenue Chicago IL 60639

A screening and discussion of We Are Witnesses: Chicago, the latest installment of The Marshall Project’s Emmy-nominated film series We Are Witnesses and a part of Illinois Humanities’ Envisioning Justice initiative across the city. A selection of films from the new installment will be shown, followed by a community discussion on the films and the nature of crime, punishment, justice and forgiveness in Chicago.

We Are Witnesses: Chicago is produced by The Marshall Project in partnership with Kartemquin Films and Illinois Humanities. We Are Witnesses is directed by Maggie Bowman and Stacy Robinson.