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Meet the journalists behind Testify

Come talk with us about Cuyahoga County criminal court judges — and who votes for them.
02.08.2022 12:00 p.m.

Journalists from The Marshall Project, working with Cleveland Documenters, recently published a report exploring the lopsided outcomes in Cuyahoga County’s court system.

What we found: Black county residents are arrested and sent to prison at disproportionate rates. And voting patterns have resulted in mostly White judges deciding the guilt or innocence of the county’s mostly Black defendants.

Want to learn more about our findings — and what they mean for you and your community — in a low-key Zoom call? Join the journalists behind Testify to discuss what court data can and can’t tell us about the county’s criminal justice system.

Rachel Dissell, Wesley Lowery, Anna Flagg, and Ilica Mahajan, the lead reporters on the project, will be available to answer your questions, along with data editor David Eads and product director Elan Kiderman Ullendorff. We also want to hear about your experiences with the court.