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Justice Votes 2020: A Presidential Town Hall

A 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate town hall on criminal justice reform – set inside a museum that was once a prison – with questions from impacted people and their families.
10.28.2019 1:00 p.m.
Eastern State Penitentiary Museum, Philadelphia
2027 Fairmount Ave Philadelphia, PA 19130

For the first time ever, a group of leaders who were formerly incarcerated, their families, and others who experienced firsthand our nation’s defective criminal justice system, will host and be the audience for a town hall with 2020 Democratic presidential candidates on October 28, 2019 in Philadelphia.

The Justice Votes 2020 Town Hall will be held at Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site — a former prison that was once the most famous and expensive in the world. Developed by Voters Organized to Educate, and presented by the Marshall Project, the day-long event will be live-streamed by exclusive digital streaming partner NowThis News. The program will give unprecedented voice to people whose lives have been disrupted by targeted policing, disproportionate sentencing schemes, racial profiling and other injustices.

Confirmed candidates include Senator Kamala Harris, Senator Cory Booker and Tom Steyer.

Voters Organized moderators include Daryl Atkinson (Advisory Board Member), Norris Henderson (Founder and Executive Director), Deanna Hoskins (Advisory Board Member) and Vivian D. Nixon (Advisory Board Member).

Organized by Voters Organized To Educate and presented by The Marshall Project, NowThis News, and the Eastern State Penitentiary Museum.

Program details at Media must be credentialed for this event. Please contact Courtney Holsworth at for more information.