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News Inside

News Inside Issue Two

The second edition of The Marshall Project’s print publication explores the concept of freedom: mental, physical and spiritual.

The second issue of News Inside, our print publication that is distributed to prisons and jails throughout the country, explores questions of freedom. In this edition, I have included excerpts from letters that I’ve received that show how much our readers believe in the notion of redemption and understand that information is the path toward it.

As I write in this issue, “So many of you shared your dreams for freedom. Some have innocence claims, others have parole aspirations, hoping to finally get that new birth certificate, emblazoned with your release date. Still others, after deep changes in their hearts and minds, simply hope for a sentence reduction.

A spread from Issue 2 of News Inside. Download the <a target="_blank" href="">PDF</a>.
A spread from Issue 2 of News Inside. Download the PDF.

Still, I am dedicated to assisting you. And the way I can best do that is to provide you with accurate, unbiased information that will not only expand your minds but also help you navigate the legal system. I chose the stories featured in this, our second issue of News Inside, with that in mind.”

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Lawrence Bartley Twitter Email is the publisher of The Marshall Project Inside, the organization’s publications intended specifically for incarcerated audiences. He is an accomplished public speaker and has provided multimedia content for CNN, PBS, NBC Nightly News, MSNBC and more. News Inside is the recipient of the 2020 Izzy Award for outstanding achievement in independent media.